Knightswood Swimming Pool
Knightswood Swimming Pool closed on Thursday 25th March 2010 and is now in a bad state of repair. The building is rotting fast and needs urgent attention and renovation.
After extensive consultation with the community the concept of creating an Intergenerational Shared Space (IGSS) was the preferred option for the former Knightswood Swimming Pool.
In order to drive forward the project an IGSS Steering Group has been established and has met on four occasions through Zoom. The group incorporates representatives from Glasgow Life, Jobs and Business Glasgow, Glasgow Housing Association, CEIS, Knightswood Connect, Generations Working Together and Knightswood Community SCIO. The IGSS would be a resource for all age groups as well as encouraging young people and older adults to work together. This can be a wonderful benefit to the communities where they live.
Knightswood Community Centre Newsletter March 2021
This newsletter highlights the latest development of the Intergenerational Shared Space Project